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  • RELIG 250 (Fall '15) Religion and Sustainability: Compared and contrasted different religious traditions and forms of spiritual practice though the lens of climate action and sustainability. 


  • ENST 370 (Spring '16) Environment and Society: Investigated communities that are directly affected by climate change and the negative impacts of human consumption and resource use. Gained skills in grant writing and Infographic creation. 


  • BIOL 323 (Fall '17) Algae, Fungi & Lichen: Looked at the natural world and systems and their relation to conservation of native species and ecosystems. Investigated past and present interactions between these natural systems and human influences.


  • BIOL 326 (Fall '18) Microbiology w/ lab: Investigated the health of individuals and communities on a microbial level in the context of public health, disease factors, and global responses.


  • SIT (Spring '18, New Delhi, India) Health Rights Advocacy: Discussed environmental racism and disproportionate injustices, as well as policy and action regarding environmental and community health.


  • SIT (Spring '18, New Delhi, India) Public Health Determinants, Gender, and Equality: Dissected the roles of gender, socio-economic status, and other determinants in access to health.


  • ENST 406 (Spring '19) The Human Place in Nature: Analyzed and discussed literature with varying perspectives within the topic of the environment, drawing upon our knowledge from previous courses and education experiences. 


  • SUST 490 (Spring '19) Baird Honors Colloquium: Completed group projects working toward solutions for a community issue, discussed current topics within the environmental field, worked on creating out personal narrative for a future in the environmental field. 



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